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Life Changer

I didn't feel well, getting a cold
Aches and pains as you grow old

Temperature and a cough that won't go
Get that checked say people that know.

The waiting rooms busy, I hear my name
Babe's wait for needles ooh what a shame

A shake of hands and I sit down
The Doctor listens his face has a frown

I leave with 'more tests' ringing in my ears
He said it just to allay my fears
Well that was a year ago today
This is now the state of play

Last week of attending for the big C
Pills, potions and Chemotherapy
My emotions have been on a roller coaster ride
I've been brave, and feeling I wanted to hide
Lost weight, hair and friends, and made some new
The journeys been hard, but we're getting there. Phew

It's thanks to my family, nurses and friends
Who rallied, supported, and sat to the end
Hoping now for my remission celebration
And a visit from the wonderful Lewis Foundation.

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