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Good Times

Good Times - Sandra J Riley
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Dads kick balls with sons in parks

Dogs running loose with excited barks

Crisp cold mornings freeze the breath in your mouth

The wind claims its victims, blowing cold from the South


Mums roast dinner, homemade gravy, on the hob.

Dad working on the docks, in a low paid job

Went out and bought the joint, with his bonus pay

It’s a mans job he says, cant wait til Friday


Warm wet beer in the pub after work

Women at home, in pinnies doing housework

Moaning men, in a cigarette cloud

Dusting, polishing, sweeping, just like their Mums #houseproud


Teenagers lounging on corners, in local scenes

Boys being brave, menacing , flattering talk wins Queens

Talking loudly, and flirting with each other

Girls batting lashes, with lipstick, looking like their Mothers


Times are changing, world moves on,

Looking back, at where the good times have gone

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