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Backstreet Kids

We lived on the streets of our dirty old town

Played from Dawn to when the Sun went down

Jimmy, Billy, Frank, my Brother, and Me

Came home for lights out, with scrapes on our knees


Games played on streets pavements, writings in chalk

Your mates got sandwiches and they’re going on a walk

Jumpers for goalpost, at the kick around

Running to the sweet shop with a penny found


Knocking on doors, asking for pop bottle returns

Then queuing at the offie for money, then, about turn

Jimmys got some ciggies, he’s nicked from his Dad

We all have a smoke, and Billy feels quite bad !


Sitting drinking pop under a Jims Dads swing

Some rope and wood salvaged from his mates bin.

It swang pretty high, above the old forgotten pond

We all clambered on, boys together what a bond

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