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Joe goes home to his 5 bed semi

Dado rails and flat screen telly

Wife’s cooking dinner, wine in her hand

Kids playing in the den with painted hands

He kicks off his shoes, throws his jacket on the chair

Flops in the lounge like he doesn’t have a care

Dinner ready, and it’s slammed down

Joe gets the kids, games stop #frowns

Forks in hands and food in gobs

Everything forgotten especially shitty jobs

Wife relaxes, its all quiet when they eat

She imagines later massaging feet

TV showing, the soaps on the screen

Joes mind is elsewhere Golf on the green?


Time ticks on, kids are in bed

Joe tries to force work from his head

It’s all about money. Work and bills

Not about living a life without frills

Waking up to bird song coming from the sky

Not about queuing on the M25

Not about the lying, the cheating, the scam

Investing in the stock like he gives a damn

Doesn’t matter if his client jumped from the roof

Joe didn’t tell him to that’s the truth

Wifey likes the money and the life it buys

Once there was passion behind her eyes

Now its all about clothes and shoes, and other shit

Once it was baby talk, laughing at my wit


Now I’m just her golden ticket to riches,

So she can mix it with the posh bitches

Got to keep her in the style she likes

Debts getting bigger, can’t afford the lifestyle hike

Schools are private for a better education

But do they ever improve the state of the nation

How did it get like this my man?

Started out living in a caravan

Mum was drunk, dad was in jail

Joe strived so hard so not to fail

There are many Joes in this world we see

Just try and say hell that won’t be me

Joe - Sandra J Riley
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